SPRING 2025 Semester - WAITLIST
Get $3333 Off for a Limited Time

SPRING 2025 Semester - WAITLIST

Divine Light Energy Healing
Divine Light Energy Healers Academy
Divine Light Energy Healing
Coaches, & Spiritual Entrepreneurs... Are you ready to learn the most advanced  ascension based, energy healing techniques that SUPER CHARGE YOUR PSYCHIC & HEALING ABILITIES so you can get any client unstuck ? 
Intuitive Eating


2025 Spring Certification Cohort 

Welcome to the Divine Light Energy Healers Academy, a sacred, holistic certification program designed to elevate your energy healing practice. 

This transformative system empowers you to become a trauma-informed, nervous system-led, multidimensional healer. 

Our unique approach transcends traditional modalities, equipping you with the tools to deeply heal on every level—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and most importantly the multidimensional level. 

Step into your true calling as a certified Divine Light Energy Healer, and unlock a new dimension of healing that will set you apart in this field.

This certification will activate your "inner healed - healer" at a profound cellular level, empowering you to step fully into your conscious leadership and unleash the infinite potential of your psychic and healing abilities. 

Through this journey, you’ll undergo your multidimensional activations and transformative experiences that will elevate every aspect of your life. 

As you embody the energy of Divine consciousness, healing, and abundance, you’ll be equipped to guide your clients through their own powerful transformations with unmatched clarity and impact.

Allison Samon

Have you had these thoughts about your client sessions?

  • Am I getting to the core of this clients issue so they can transform?
  • How can I be sure that their block or issue is really clearing? 
  • Am I missing something with this client?
  • Why the "fork" can't this client make the needed changes? 
  • Is there an easier way to help this client actually shift? 
  • Why is this clients issue popping up yet again? 

Here's the reason why....

When your clients have something that is energetically blocking them, be it fears, hidden traumas, genetic programming, years of negative subconscious programming, or something in their physical body, they get activated in all of their four bodies (physical, emotional, mental, energetic), and try as they might, they simply can't make a change last no matter how badly they want to. 

Here's the thing...

No amount of breathwork, or mindset work or action-step-taking is going to work when this happens. 

We have to address the healing at all layers of the client's being or the change and healing won't stick. 

This is why I created the Divine Light Energy Healing Certification that includes multidimensional energy & breathwork based techniques that are trauma informed, to help your clients release stuck energy, fears, triggers and overwhelm in all four body systems, so they can reach their highest expression and full potential. 

Divine light energy healing allows you to guide your client to shift out of their head and into their four body systems - where transformation actually takes place and where they can actually clear the energy on all the levels - for good!

When you have these practical and powerful energy techniques to use with your clients, you will help your clients shift in quantum time while you stay energized and in a high vibe!

And... you'll learn a technique that EMPOWERS YOUR CLIENTS to heal themselves, instead of you "doing" the energy healing for them.

This will lead your clients to have massive transformations and they'll also want to keep working with you.

Through this certification, you'll learn how to run enough frequency through your physical body that your clients can entrain to.  

The higher you go in your frequency, the higher your clients can go...

You'll learn to have the ability to psychically & psychically see what's lurking in ALL four of their energy bodies, so you can point your clients awareness to help them clear out their blocks for good!

Knowing how to do this is a total game changer because you won't ever feel heavy or burnt out after a session.  

Instead you'll feel light and bright and so will your clients. 
You'll find it easy to lead your clients through processes that will empower them, raise their frequency and will help them finally create the shifts they've been wanting.  

Regardless of what types of clients you work with or what your "niche" is, Divine Light Energy Healing is where you will see the transformation happen right before your eyes - without all the struggle. 

Imagine having the energetic processes to navigate your client's subconscious, uncover their blocks and help them quickly recode themselves and realign their external reality...

Mandy Harvey Testimonial
Allison Samon Testimonial
Allison Samon



  • Turn on infinite access to your gifts, like your psychic senses, energetic healing abilities, and your full expression.
  • Get a simple framework that goes beyond the mind, to use whenever a client is blocked, triggered or challenged.
  • Have a series of go-to sessions along with energetically encoded audios, affirmations & tools for your clients most pressings issues like, finances, money, relationships, energy blocks, health and more... 
  • Master the Divine Laws of Reality which allow you to transform any block, help clients materialize their dreams, while living your destiny to the fullest.
  • Access a radical energetic enhancement that helps you radiate magnetic confidence, unshakeable empowerment, peak energy and not ever get drained from client sessions.
  • Open up the flood gates on your business because you are now the "Go-To" coach who's got the reputation of being able to help clients shift even the toughest of blocks & beliefs.
  • Facilitate timeline shifts and so your clients can jump to entirely new levels in their life quickly

If you’re ready to learn to use the most cutting edge, multi-dimensional ascension energy healing technology along with ancient secrets of reality architecture and harness this knowledge to help your clients transform... this Certification is for you! 

The Divine Light Energy Healing Certification trains to you utilize a unique and transformational combination of universal laws, quantum physics, multidimensional ascension energies, along with scientifically proven brainwave patterning, sound and light healing. 

Having this powerful combination allows you to help clients transform any block or limitation switfly.  You will be amazed to watch as your clients shift their vibrations rapidly and shift into all new timelines while you guide and empower them without feeling burnt-out or zapped after your sessions. 


Here’s why The divine light Energy healing Certification will help you grow your business...

Energy Work is An Easy “Yes!” For Your Potential Clients

People are waking up faster than ever and by now most people have tried coaching, belief change work and more.  The great news is that Divine Light Energy Work can be overlayed on top of what every kind of coaching you do for extraordinary results! Plus when you have this certification under your belt you'll also have a program with all the bells and whistles that your clients will line up to buy!  And, after realizing how incredible they feel after the program ends, many clients will be eager to continue working with you and be interested in signing up for your other programs!

Divine Light Energy Healing is EASY and FUN

One of the main differences you'll notice when you start practicing Divine Light Energy Healing is that you empower your clients to heal themselves rather than "DO-ing" the healing for them.  This takes a huge burden off of you to be the one to do the healing which makes your job easier and watching your clients actually make huge leaps and shifts is the fun part! This also frees up your time because you won't be feeling burnt out or like you have to "recover" from doing sessions. 

Divine Light Energy Healing Comes With Business Tools You Can Use To  Attract The Most Amazing Clients 

In addition to the certification which will greatly expand your psychic and intuitive skills, you'll get a business in a box that you can use to attract your soul mate clients. You'll love having a proven business process that naturally guides people into working with you and you'll be known as the "go-to coach" who can help any client transcend their blocks. 

SPRING 2025 Semester - WAITLIST
Get $3333 Off for a Limited Time 


Hi It's Alysa...
Amy Lippmann
When I started my coaching practice back in 2012 I quickly realized that asking coaching questions, and trying to get clients to shift their beliefs was the long path...
I was guided to bring in the Divine Light Energy healing modalities I learned about in my near death experience and I've been using them ever since to help clients make quantum leaps. 

Since 2015 I have been working with coaches, energy healers, holistic health practitioners like Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Functional Medicine Doctors, helping them to create healing businesses that actually help people heal and that are energizing and fun to run.

What I know for sure is that having the tools and psychic skills to help any client is where the magic and the healing happen.

In this certification the mentors and I show you how to work with yourself and your clients using the Divine Light Healing Method to tap into the subtle energetic template of the body and work with it's unique resonance so you can create the most profound healing and quantum shifts possible. 

Hi It's Alysa...

Amy Lippmann
When I started my coaching practice back in 2012 I quickly realized that asking coaching questions, and trying to get clients to shift their beliefs was the long path...

I was guided to bring in the Divine Light Energy healing modalities I learned about in my near death experience and I've been using them ever since to help clients make quantum leaps. 

Since 2015 I have been working with coaches, energy healers, and holistic health practitioners like Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Functional Medicine Doctors, helping them to create healing businesses that actually help people heal and that are energizing and fun to run. 

What I know for sure is that having the tools and psychic skills to help any client - is where the magic and the healing happen. 

In this certification the mentors and I show you how to work with your own energy and the energy of your clients using the Divine Light Healing Method.  

By doing this you'll be able to tap into the subtle energetic template of the clients body and work with its unique resonance so you can help them create the most profound healing and quantum shifts possible. 

2023 Cohort Class Raves...


(Your first live call is on Wednesday March 26th) 


Your LIVE Attunement & Skills Practice Calls Happen Every Wednesday At
12:00PM - 3:30 PM Pacific Time

***Dates/times may be subject to change***

Intuitive Eating Full Courses


Client Guidebook

Become A Clear Channel 

Module One

Learn how to clean up your channels so that you get crystalline messages from your guides, angels, universal source energy and get amazing messages for your clients too. Ultimately you will super charge your access to the infinite field of information and amplify your accuracy with the information that you receive.

Healing Powers Amplification  

Module Two

Tap into an infinite source of instantaneous healing and infuse every part of your vibration with this energy so you can help heal yourself, your family, friends, clients, community, and the entire planet.  Plus learn how to create healing vortexes for your clients to step into every time you meet with them for out-of-this world results! 
Guide Book Coach Edition

Expand Your Psychic Skills

Module Three

Activate and expand your psychic skills in reading the universal energy field, the earth's aura, client auras & physical energy + learn or expand your remote viewing abilities. (many clients tell me that this is their favorite module!)

Activate Your Light Body

Module Four

Work with & run divine light frequencies to help clients make quantum jumps in their healing. Learn how to accurately look into the 4 body systems and read exactly what’s going on inside the clients energy centers so they can see it too and shift it.

Activate the Light
Working with Guides

Working With Guides

Module Five 

Learn how to deepen your work with angels, guides & other light beings so you can get instant and accurate guidance and support for your clients.  Also learn how to use spiritual protection for both you and your client to make sure you’re always getting highest guidance.

Clearing Deep Blocks

Module Six

The effortless process for helping clients clear out their deepest most embedded negative beliefs, core wounds and fears for fast transformations.
Clearing Deep Blocks
Secret Timeline Techniques

Secret Timeline Jumping Techniques

Module Seven

Discover how to see the most relevant timelines for your client so you can empower them to clear what's in the way of them being on the highest one and shift where they are at. 

Activate Your Voice & Light Language Abilities

Module Eight

Activate your throat chakra and your full light language abilities so you can hold sacred space for clients to express their authentic selves. 

Activate Your Voice
Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Module Nine

Learn the exact client session framework that sets you and your clients up for success, massive transformations and radiant energy every time. 

The Business Of Healing 

Module Ten

Get the strategies, tools and tips I've used for years to help my clients catapult themselves into 6 figure land as energy practitioners. 

Activate Your Voice

Each Module Includes:


Receive advanced training  videos and PDF protocols to help you master the laws, techniques, and energies that awaken and align you with Divine Consciousness.


Get protocols, practices and processes each week to align all aspects of your life and accelerate your intuitive gifts, abundance, and freedom (you can also use these with your clients).


Alysa and one of mentors will be on a live call weekly to answer all your questions, offer support through any blocks, & through implementing these techniques on yourself and guide you as you practice on others. 


Each week you will get an energy attunement & activations that will lift you to new levels of consciousness and vibration with experiential initiations to fully unlock your spiritual gifts. 

Each LIVE Attunement & Skills Practice Call is on
Wednesday at 12:00PM - 3:30 PM Pacific Time

***Dates/times may be subject to change***

Intuitive Eating Full Courses


Client Guidebook

Become A Clear Channel 

Module One

Learn how to clean up your channels so that you get crystalline messages from your guides, angels, universal source energy and get amazing messages for your clients too. Ultimately you will super charge your access to the infinite field of information and amplify your accuracy with the information that you receive.
Guide Book Coach Edition

Healing Powers Amplification

Module Two

Tap into an infinite source of instantaneous healing and infuse every part of your vibration with this energy so you can help heal yourself, your family, friends, clients, community, and the entire planet. Plus learn how to create healing vortexes for your clients to step into every time you meet with them for out-of-this world results! 
Activate the Light

Expand Your Psychic Skills

Module Three

Activate and expand your psychic skills in reading the universal energy field, the earth's aura, client auras & physical energy + learn or expand your remote viewing abilities. (many clients tell me that this is their favorite module!)
Working with Guides

Activate The Light Body

Module Four

Work with & run divine light frequencies to help clients make quantum jumps in their healing. Learn how to accurately look into the 4 body systems and read exactly what’s going on inside the clients energy centers so they can see it too and shift it.
Clearing Deep Blocks

Working With Guides

Module Five

Learn how to deepen your work with angels, guides & other light beings so you can get instant and accurate guidance and support for your clients. Also learn how to use spiritual protection for both you and your client to make sure you’re always getting highest guidance.
Secret Timeline Techniques

Clearing Deep Blocks

Module Six

The effortless process for helping clients clear out their deepest most embedded negative beliefs, core wounds and fears for fast transformations. 
Activate Your Voice

Secret Timeline Jumping Techniques

Module Seven

Discover how to see the most relevant timelines for your client so you can empower them to clear what's in the way of them being on the highest one and shift where they are at.
Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Activate Your Voice & Light Language Abilities

Module Eight

Activate your throat chakra and your full light language abilities so you can hold sacred space for clients to express their authentic selves.
Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Module Nine

Learn the exact client session framework that sets you and your clients up for success, massive transformations and radiant energy every time.
Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

The Business Of Healing

Module Ten

Get the strategies, tools and tips I've used for years to help my clients catapult themselves into 6 figure land as energy practitioners.

Each Module Includes:


Receive advanced training  videos and PDF protocols to help you master the laws, techniques, and energies that awaken and align you with Divine Consciousness.


Get protocols, practices and processes each week to align all aspects of your life and accelerate your intuitive gifts, abundance, and freedom  (you can also use these with your clients).


Alysa and the mentors will be on a live call weekly to  answer all your questions, offer support through any blocks, & through implementing these techniques on yourself and guide you as you practice on others. 


Each week you will get an energy attunement & activations that will lift you to new levels of consciousness and vibration with experiential initiations to fully unlock your spiritual gifts. 


You Already know Alysa... Now, MEET YOUR Other GUIDES & Mentors In The Divine Light Academy...

Lisa is an intuitive healer and Akashic guide & Soul blueprint reader.  She has been working within the realms of intuitive healing via energy & vibration and through the quantum field for many years. Initially she started as a Holistic Practitioner in the early 90’s and taught Aromatherapy & Reflexology when she realized that she was guided to work with energy intuitively at a deeper level to effect powerful shifts within both her students and clients.  She's been formally trained in many modalities including Usui, Angelic & Dragon Reiki, EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, Sound Healing, Violet Flame healing & Person Centered Counseling. Lisa is here to help expand the way you 
see, feel, sense, hear energy and to help you align with the vibrational frequency, resonance of your souls own light and simply act as a mirror reflecting the codes, keys and information that your souls wider consciousness wishes to share and reflect back to you so that you can be fully empowered in your own divine purpose & soul pathway.



Will Caminada is a Multidimensional Guide, Breathwork & Meditation facilitator, Pleiadian Channel, Singer / Songwriter, and Author of "From Darkness To Light - A Continuous Journey Towards Your Essence". Will's main mission is to help fellow humans embrace and embody their multidimensionality.
His core focus is to contribute to the awakening and healing of humanity, the shift into 5D consciousness, and the rememberance of our true essence of light and love. He offers guidance, healing and support through the power of meditation, breathwork, music and words.

Rachael is a master ascension guide with over a decade of experience who has helped thousands of people worldwide navigate their spiritual awakening and ascension journey. Rachael created Rachael's Butterfly Effect to provide people healing techniques and tools to dive deep into their own inner world, raise their vibration and consciously navigate their lives and soul purpose. Rachael is passionate about spreading healing and light to all who cross her path. She has certifications in Reiki, Past Life Regression Therapy, Chakra Healing, Angel Healing, Archangel Metatron Healing and more. Rachael channels, reads energy, and shares light language activations and codes. Rachael is known for her gifts and grounded practical approach to healing and helping humanity ascend into higher states of consciousness. 



Adora Winquist is an internationally renowned author, healer, entrepreneur and expert in the fields of essential oils and vibrational medicine. As a spiritual leader and teacher, she intertwines the ancient wisdom of the natural world with psycho-spiritual principles to create Modern Alchemy. An innovator in the field of aromatherapy and energy medicine, Adora began her studies in the early-1990s when personal health challenges caused her to look beyond traditional methods. Her journeys to Egypt and India deepened her study of esoteric practices and aromatherapy with leaders in those fields.  She holds numerous certifications in vibrational medicine and aromatherapy from globally-known organizations, including Rutgers University.

Phoenix is a cutting edge mystic, educator and speaker on topics like frequency and activating your voice. She is a shamanic practitioner, past life regressionist & soul retrieval guide who has spent the last 20 years studying at ancient mystery schools, developing her channeling, healing and alchemizing gifts under the mentorship of Atlantean/Egyptian masters and indigenous wisdom keepers. In her past life she was a Top 10 Billboard Recording Artist ( Nyee Moses) who’s now combined all of her multidimensional gifts, skills and tallents to empower you to activate your voice and own all of your soul’s gifts. 



Lisa is an intuitive healer and Akashic guide & Soul blueprint reader.  She has been working within the realms of intuitive healing via energy & vibration and through the quantum field for many years. Initially she started as a Holistic Practitioner in the early 90’s and taught Aromatherapy & Reflexology when she realized that she was guided to work with energy intuitively at a deeper level to effect powerful shifts within both her students and clients.  She's been formally trained in many modalities including Usui, Angelic & Dragon Reiki, EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, Sound Healing, Violet Flame healing & Person Centered Counseling. Lisa is here to help expand the way you 
see, feel, sense, hear energy and to help you align with the vibrational frequency, resonance of your souls own light and simply act as a mirror reflecting the codes, keys and information that your souls wider consciousness wishes to share and reflect back to you so that you can be fully empowered in your own divine purpose & soul pathway.


Will Caminada is an independent singer / songwriter, meditation teacher, Pleiadian Channel, Intuition Teacher and Soul Art coach.
Will’s mission as an artist and teacher is “to inspire and heal the world through words, sounds, colors and soul.” His work is a contribution to the awakening of humanity and the expansion of our consciousness.
He believes in a world where we’ll all live based on the principle that LOVE and CHANGE lie within each one of us.


Rachael is a master ascension guide with over a decade of experience who has helped thousands of people worldwide navigate their spiritual awakening and ascension journey. Rachael created Rachael's Butterfly Effect to provide people healing techniques and tools to dive deep into their own inner world, raise their vibration and consciously navigate their lives and soul purpose. Rachael is passionate about spreading healing and light to all who cross her path. She has certifications in Reiki, Past Life Regression Therapy, Chakra Healing, Angel Healing, Archangel Metatron Healing and more. Rachael channels, reads energy, and shares light language activations and codes. Rachael is known for her gifts and grounded practical approach to healing and helping humanity ascend into higher states of consciousness. 


Adora Winquist is an internationally renowned author, healer, entrepreneur and expert in the fields of essential oils and vibrational medicine. As a spiritual leader and teacher, she intertwines the ancient wisdom of the natural world with psycho-spiritual principles to create Modern Alchemy. An innovator in the field of aromatherapy and energy medicine, Adora began her studies in the early-1990s when personal health challenges caused her to look beyond traditional methods. Her journeys to Egypt and India deepened her study of esoteric practices and aromatherapy with leaders in those fields. She holds numerous certifications in vibrational medicine and aromatherapy from globally-known organizations, including Rutgers University.


Phoenix is a cutting edge mystic, educator and speaker on topics like frequency and activating your voice. She is a shamanic practitioner, past life regressionist & soul retrieval guide who has spent the last 20 years studying at ancient mystery schools, developing her channeling, healing and alchemizing gifts under the mentorship of Atlantean/Egyptian masters and indigenous wisdom keepers. In her past life she was a Top 10 Billboard Recording Artist ( Nyee Moses) who’s now combined all of her multidimensional gifts, skills and tallents to empower you to activate your voice and own all of your soul’s gifts. 

The Divine Light Energy Healing Certification & Business In A Box is the Easiest & Most Effective Way To Help Your Clients Transform Without All The Struggle...   

You became a coach and healer to help people, not to become a marketing guru. 

That’s why the Divine Light Energy Healing Certification Program includes everything you need to get people working with you, taking all the guesswork out of the marketing process.

You're getting over $5k worth of marketing materials that will save you 100+ hours of time.

Follow-Along Energy Work Outlines ($1797 Value)

Lead Your Energy Healing Calls With Confidence

You can use these 8 energy healing session outlines for a private program or for a group program.  Either way, you'll have a proven process to walk your clients through that gets them making lifetimes of shifts in just a few sessions. 

Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts

5D Chakra Charts ($797 Value)

Guide Your Clients To Activate Their Chakras

You will help your clients ascend from a third dimensional frequency to 5D and beyond, while you guide them to open and activate all of their chakras at a higher frequency. This Fifth Dimensional 12 Chakra guide is a beautiful 3 page comprehensive explanation of the 12 chakra system along with descriptions and activation guidance. This is a Canva template that you can easily brand as your own. 
Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts

Invocations & Activations ($397 Value)

Liberate Your Clients From Their past

These powerful energy infused invocations and activations can be used on live calls with private clients, in workshops or as session follow up material.  Using these invocations will super charge your clients to seal in the new energy and energize their system with new levels of light. These beautiful PDF's have been infused with energy that your clients will FEEL!  These are in a Canva template that you can easily brand them as your own. 
Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts

Professional Sales Page Template ($1,200 Value)

Sell Your Program With Ease

Want a beautiful and eye-catching sales page that will impress your audience and make you feel like the pro you are? We’re giving it to you!

With the Done-for-You Intuitive Eating Program, you’ll get a stunning and professionally designed Wix sales page template complete with high-converting sales page copy. The best part? You’ll be able to set it up with the click of a button.

Avoid spending hours writing and designing your own sales page or hiring someone to do it for you. The going rate for copywriters to write a sales page is at least $2,000 and web developers charge at least $1,000 to build a sales page.

Are you using WordPress, Squarespace, or another platform for your website? No problem! You can easily link from your website to your Wix sales page.

No website yet? No problem! All you need to sell your intuitive eating program is the sales page and a payment processor like Paypal!

Done-for-You Affirmation Client Pack ($497)

Stand Out On Social Media & With Clients

Get a Canva template deck of 52 high vibe brandable affirmation cards that you can use for social media or as client gifts. These  affirmation cards will grab your audience’s attention and get you noticed. 

Professional Sales Funnel ($1,200 Value)

Sell Your Program With Ease

With the Divine Light Energy Healing Certification you're getting a sales funnel template complete with high-converting sales page copy, a thank you page and an upsell into your private Divine Light Energy Coaching Program that you can set up with the click of a few buttons. 

Intuitive Eating Sales Page Tablet

Done-for-You Social Media Posts & Graphics ($497)

Stand Out On Social Media Like the Pro You Are

Show up on social media like the professional you are. With our Social Media Essentials Kit, we’re making it super easy for you to promote the program on social media in a way that grabs your audience’s attention and gets them to take action!

No need to spend hours trying to write the perfect post, learn to create eye-catching designs, or spend $100s having a designer do it for you.

This package includes properly sized graphics for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and you can use these on your business pages, on your personal pages, or in Facebook groups!

We’re also sharing all of our secrets about when you should post, what you should post, and how often to post for maximum organic reach and impact so that you can build your audience, convert your social media followers into buyers, and hit the sweet spot with your social media promotion.

FB Live outlines

Workshop Promo Emails ($397 Value)

Create buzz and get people to your workshop

Hosting an energy workshop either live or via zoom is a wonderful way to get your audience excited to work with you in a longer program.  

Use these done for you drive to attend & follow up sales emails to promote your workshop, get people to show up live and get them purchasing your other programs. 

Attention-Grabbing Flyer ($97 Value)

Build Buzz Locally With Professionally Designed Promotional Material

Interested in promoting the program locally? With the Done-for-You Intuitive Eating Program, you’ll get access to a beautifully designed promotional flyer.

Provided as an easy-to-customize Canva template, you can personalize your flyer and give it to local businesses who support your practice so they can spread the word.

You can have this beautiful flyer ready to print in minutes – instead of spending the better part of a day creating them yourself.

Professional Product Mockup

Professional Product Mock-up Templates ($97 Value)

WOW Potential Clients With Beautiful Product Images

Let's face it, beautiful images make a huge difference when it comes to promoting your programs. Use this customizable product mock up to set yourself apart and look like the pro that you are.  

Alysa's Tech & Image Creation Tutorials ($397 Value)

Learn how to design stunning images, reels & promos

Being a “non-techie” should never hold you back from sharing your gifts. That’s why we've created tech tutorials that will show you step-by-step how to create beautiful content, images, reels, emails and more.  It's like having your own sneak peek tech session with Alysa where she'll share her secret tips that will get you looking like a million dollar brand. 

Tutorials to End Tech Overwhelm

Tutorials to End Tech Overwhelm ($397 Value)

Don’t Let Tech Stop You In Your Tracks

Being a “non-techie” should never hold you back from being a successful health coach. That’s why we’re giving you access to a range of technical tutorials that will help ensure an easy launch. You’ll save a ton of time not having to figure out all the tech bits yourself.

You became a healer to help people, not to become a marketing guru. That’s why the Divine Light Energy Healing Certification Program includes everything you need to get people working with you, taking all the guesswork out of the marketing process.

You're getting over $5k worth of marketing materials that will save you 100+ hours of time.

Follow-Along Energy Work Outlines ($1797 Value)

Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts
Lead Your Energy Healing Calls With Confidence

You can use these 8 energy healing session outlines for a private program or for a group program.  Either way, you'll have a proven process to walk your clients through that gets them making lifetimes of shifts in just a few sessions. 

5D Chakra Charts ($797 Value)

Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts
Guide Your Clients To Activate Their Chakras

You will help your clients ascend from a third dimensional frequency to 5D and beyond, while you guide them to open and activate all of their chakras at a higher frequency. This Fifth Dimensional 12 Chakra guide is a beautiful 3 page comprehensive explanation of the 12 chakra system along with descriptions and activation guidance. This is a Canva template that you can easily brand as your own. 

Invocations & Activations ($397 Value)

Follow-Along Coaching Call Scripts
Liberate Your Clients From Their past

These powerful energy infused invocations and activations can be used on live calls with private clients, in workshops or as session follow up material.  Using these invocations will super charge your clients to seal in the new energy and energize their system with new levels of light. These are in a Canva template that you can easily brand them as your own. 

Professional Sales Page Template ($1,200 Value)

Sell Your Program With Ease

Want a beautiful and eye-catching sales page that will impress your audience and make you feel like the pro you are? We’re giving it to you!

With the Done-for-You Intuitive Eating Program, you’ll get a stunning and professionally designed Wix sales page template complete with high-converting sales page copy. The best part? You’ll be able to set it up with the click of a button.

Avoid spending hours writing and designing your own sales page or hiring someone to do it for you. The going rate for copywriters to write a sales page is at least $2,000 and web developers charge at least $1,000 to build a sales page.

Are you using WordPress, Squarespace, or another platform for your website? No problem! You can easily link from your website to your Wix sales page.

No website yet? No problem! All you need to sell your intuitive eating program is the sales page and a payment processor like Paypal!

Done-for-You Affirmation Client Pack ($497)

Stand Out On Social Media & With Clients

Get a Canva template deck of 52 high vibe brandable affirmation cards that you can use for social media or as client gifts. These  affirmation cards will grab your audience’s attention and get you noticed. 

Professional Sales Funnel ($1,200 Value)

Intuitive Eating Sales Page Tablet
Sell Your Program With Ease

With the Divine Light Energy Healing Certification you're getting a sales funnel template complete with high-converting sales page copy, a thank you page and an upsell into your private Divine Light Energy Coaching Program that you can set up with the click of a few buttons. 

Done-for-You Social Media Posts & Graphics ($497)

Stand Out On Social Media Like the Pro You Are

Show up on social media like the professional you are. With our Social Media Essentials Kit, we’re making it super easy for you to promote the program on social media in a way that grabs your audience’s attention and gets them to take action!

No need to spend hours trying to write the perfect post, learn to create eye-catching designs, or spend $100s having a designer do it for you.

This package includes properly sized graphics for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and you can use these on your business pages, on your personal pages, or in Facebook groups!

We’re also sharing all of our secrets about when you should post, what you should post, and how often to post for maximum organic reach and impact so that you can build your audience, convert your social media followers into buyers, and hit the sweet spot with your social media promotion.

Workshop Promo Emails ($397 Value)

FB Live outlines
Create buzz and get people to your workshop

Hosting an energy workshop either live or via zoom is a wonderful way to get your audience excited to work with you in a longer program.  

Use these done for you emails to promote your workshop and get people to show up live. 

Attention-Grabbing Flyer ($97 Value)

Build Buzz Locally With Professionally Designed Promotional Material

Interested in promoting the program locally? With the Done-for-You Intuitive Eating Program, you’ll get access to a beautifully designed promotional flyer.

Provided as an easy-to-customize Canva template, you can personalize your flyer and give it to local businesses who support your practice so they can spread the word.

You can have this beautiful flyer ready to print in minutes – instead of spending the better part of a day creating them yourself.

Professional Product Mock-up ($97 Value)

Professional Product Mockup
WOW Potential Clients With Beautiful Product Images

Let's face it, beautiful images make a huge difference when it comes to promoting your programs. You can use these easy to graphics (which are easy to change and brand as your own) to set you appart and look like the pro that you are.  that will make you look like the pro you are. 

Alysa's Tech & Image Creation Tutorials ($397 Value)

Tutorials to End Tech Overwhelm
Learn how to design stunning images, reels & promos

Being a “non-techie” should never hold you back from sharing your gifts. That’s why we've created tech tutorials that will show you how to create beautiful content, images, reels, emails and more.  It's like having your own sneak peek tech session with Alysa where she'll share her secret tips that will get you looking like a million dollar brand. 

Tutorials to End Tech Overwhelm ($397 Value)

Don’t Let Tech Stop You In Your Tracks

Being a “non-techie” should never hold you back from being a successful health coach. That’s why we’re giving you access to a range of technical tutorials that will help ensure an easy launch. You’ll save a ton of time not having to figure out all the tech bits yourself.

When you sign-up for the Divine Light Energy Healers Academy Level One Certification you'll get all of the above, PLUS these BONUSES!

Bonus #1
Divine Light Switch Set

Get twelve mp3 audio frequencies (each are 60 minutes in length) and will help tune, balance and open each of the 12 chakras.  These audios have been carefully crafted with unique chakra opening frequencies, sacred geometry and binaural beats which help to both you and your clients easily throw on the switch to your divine self. 
Bonus #1 Lead & Promote Your Program Like a Pro 4 Week LIVE Training Intensive
($1200 Commercial License Value)
You get a pack of 12 commercially licensed, 60 minute, sacred geometry encoded audios to use in client sessions, meditations, and events. 

Bonus #2
Done For You Quantum Jumping Workshop

Use this done for you workshop to attract clients into your longer private programs.
($2500 Value)
Get everything you need to run an incredible healing workshop online or in person.  This done for you workshop comes with presenter slides, scripts for each day, participant workbook, integration handouts and a commercial license to use two special frequency encoded musical journey audios from Entheos (who does music for Richard Rudd of the Gene Keys).

Bonus #3 
Intuitive Oracle Council Reading From Lisa 

This is a favortie with our students as this reading will help you remember ALL of who you came here to be! 
Immediate Access to the Intuitive Eating Starter Kit
($444 Value)

One of the things we hear after our students receive this reading is that they can finally accept their mission in this lifetime as the information that Lisa brings forward shows them all of who their soul came here to be. 

Bonus #4 
Sales Funnel 

Special Pay In Full Bonus: Our Team Will Set Up Your Sales Funnel & Customize It For You 
Immediate Access to the Intuitive Eating Starter Kit
($2597 Value)

When you pay in full our team will set up your sales funnel for you and I'll personally guide you through the implementation of using the workshop in a 2 hour private bonus session. 

Ready to Get Started? Pick Your Package!

Price Value

Ready to Get Started? Pick Your Package!

Price Value

TO GET $3333 OFF

12 Payments of


6 Payments of



Single Payment of


In addition to your certification training you're getting a business in a box where you get over $5k worth of done for you programs, tools and client materials, so you can look like a pro, fill your programs with ease and save 100+ hours of time.


Join The Waitlist, Get Your Divinely Designed Coupon & LIGHT LEADER ACTIVATION

12 Payments of


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In addition to your certification training you're getting a business in a box where you get over $5k worth of done for you programs, tools and client materials, so you can look like a pro, fill your programs with ease and save 100+ hours of time.

This CERTIFICATION IS How You step into The role of being an abundant, highly sought after energy healer.




You were BORN with healing gifts and my sense is YOU are here to help shift this planet in a big way!

This program is here to help you take what you are doing to the next level of vibration & light. 

You'll get hands on learning and skills practice so you'll never doubt your psychic senses ever again. You'll feel an unwavering confidence that you can guide any client to transform out of their limitations and into the next level of their life. 

And you'll combine your spiritual alchemy skills with grounded & practical guidance from successful spiritual business owners so you can create (or uplevel) your healing business with ease.

 LIVE weekly calls start (with breaks for integration)

Get Instant Access to the Divine Light Switch Audios, Done For You Workshop, & All Canva Templates As Soon As You Purchase

12 Payments of


6 Payments of



Single Payment of


In addition to your certification training you're getting a business in a box where you get over $5k worth of done for you programs, tools and client materials, plus marketing materials so you can fill your programs with ease and save 100+ hours of time.

Get Instant Access to the Divine Light Switch Audios, Done For You Workshop, & All Canva Templates As Soon As You Purchase

12 Payments of


6 Payments of



Single Payment of


In addition to your certification training you're getting a business in a box where you get over $5k worth of done for you programs, tools and client materials, plus marketing materials so you can fill your programs with ease and save 100+ hours of time.


“I'm on track to hit over 400K this year - my best year yet,”
Working with Alysa has been a game changer for my business. One idea she had already brought in 50K with little effort, and I've already exceeded last year's revenue by 110K. Alysa's magical blend of energy work and business strategy has allowed me to be in more alignment, attract abundance, and feel more ease and peace in my business than I have in the last 14 years!

Deon Hall
“I’ve made over 126k!”
Are you ready for this? I went from 1k a month to over 126k since starting with you! 

I’ve created 3 online programs, added over 7,300 people to my list and have been booked on many telesummits. I just got off one telesummit that made me 6,800 bucks in one hour! I’ve gotten many amazing private clients and many of them are paying in full! Woot woot and thank you so much!

Angie Byrd
“My Business Took Off!”
“I'm making real money from giving workshops, I've added almost 500 new people to my list in under two weeks, launched my 4 week training series attracting in international clients, and got my first VIP client.”

Caitlin Sundby Russell
“I 15X'ed My Corporate Speaking Fees as a Meditation & Breathwork Teacher!"
“Since working with Alysa I have been able to increase my speaking fees by 15x - and easily get it. Having the framework was amazing and Alysa guided me to dig deeper into doing the energetic work which helped me open to abundant corporate opportunities that keep flowing in!"

Caitlin Sundby Russell
Angie Byrd
“I'm on track to hit over 400K this year - my best year yet,”
Working with Alysa has been a game changer for my business. One idea she had already brought in 50K with little effort, and I've already exceeded last year's revenue by 110K. Alysa's magical blend of energy work and business strategy has allowed me to be in more alignment, attract abundance, and feel more ease and peace in my business than I have in the last 14 years! ~ Amy Jacobs Lippmann

Ayo Hinds-Bankole
“I’ve made over 126k!”
Are you ready for this? I went from 1k a month to over 126k since starting with you! 

I’ve created 3 online programs, added over 7,300 people to my list and have been booked on many telesummits. I just got off one telesummit that made me 6,800 bucks in one hour! I’ve gotten many amazing private clients and many of them are paying in full! Woot woot and thank you so much! www.Gabriellespencer.com
Caitlin Sundby Russell
“My Business Took Off!”
“I'm making real money from giving workshops, I've added almost 500 new people to my list in under two weeks, launched my 4 week training series attracting in international clients, and got my first VIP client.”

Caitlin Sundby Russell
“I'm Manifesting Abundant Corporate Opportunities."
“Since working with Alysa I have been able to increase my speaking fees by 15x - and easily get it. Having the framework was amazing and Alysa guided me to dig deeper into doing the energetic work which helped me open to abundant corporate opportunities that keep flowing in!"

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers…

 Is this training just videos or is it also live classes? 

This is more than a training - it is a level one certification which has a blend of videos that you'll watch each week before you come to the live calls which are held on zoom.  While on the calls you'll get energy attunements helping you to raise your vibration even more so you can hold more healing energy and knowing that you can facilitate and empower people to fully heal.  Each week you'll have plenty of time to ask questions and you'll be paired up for a skills practice so you can hone your energy work and dial it in even more!

 What are the dates of the classes and how long is each session? 


Each weekly session is approximately 3 hours long (with breaks along the way so you can stretch and get snacks).

Our sessions are every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon - 3:30 PM Pacific Time (modules subject to change order and dates may be stretched out depending on the individual groups needs)

Wed, March 19th: Welcome & Orientation Call

Wed, March 26th: Becoming A Clear Channel

Wed, April 2nd: Expand Your Psychic Gifts

Wed, April 9th: Integration Week + Group Connection Call

Wed, April 16th: Channeling & Working With Guides
Break April 23rd

Wed, April 30th: Controlled Remote Viewing

Wed, May 7th: Amplify Your Healing Gifts & Work With Holograms

Wed, May 14th: Clearing Deep Blocks

Break May 21st

Wed, May 28th: Activate Your Light Language

Wed, June 4th: Secret Timeline Techniques

Wed, June 11: Integration Week + Group Connection Call

Wed, June 18th: Conducting Powerful Client Sessions

Wed, June 25th: The Business Of Healing

Wed, July 2nd: Integration Week & Certification Catch Up

Wed, July 9th: Graduation

 What if I miss a live call? 

We encourage you to attend as many live calls as possible and all calls will be recorded and placed in your training portal within 24 hours. There 12 live calls - 10 are live Q&A and skills practice calls that we strongly suggest you attend live. If you live in a time zone where attending live is not possible you'll want to watch the call recording by the end of the week and also find a skills practice partner so that you can stay on track and gain your certification through your practice hours. Though many of our students from global time zones found these classes valuable enough to wake up in the wee hours of the morning or stay up late for. 

 How much time do I need to devote to learning and practicing each week?

Please be sure you can set aside at least 5 hours each week to learn, practice and apply what you learn.  This certification is about you embodying the skills.

 Do I need prior experience as an energy healer? 

No! This program will teach you the fundamentals of using both sound and our special version of divine light energy healing.  Plus you'll also see how you can start your own wellness business or take the business you have to the next level with this energy healing modality. 

 I already have a lot of experience as an energy healer. Should I still consider this training?

Absolutely!! This certification is a cutting-edge energy healing method that will allow you to facilitate healings in a way that you likely have not encountered before that leaves you more refreshed and vibrant each time you do them.  In addition, this training gives you a business in a box component so you'll have a replicable way to bring in clients again and again so you can expand your existing healing practice into a 6-figure business. Alysa has been training seasoned energy healers for years, all of which found her trainings to be unique and life-changing. Not to mention the level of marketing support, accountability and practical business building guidance offered in this training is unparalleled. 

 What is needed to achieve my certification? 

Here's your List of Certification Requirements: 

1. Listen to all training calls and modules + complete the proof questions.

2. Deliver 5 divine light energy sessions and log the calls with the Energy Session Call Log form (given to you in your membership site)

3. Receive 5 divine light energy sessions and log the calls with the Energy Session Call Log form.

4. Observe 5 divine light energy healing sessions (you can be a live observer or listen to a recording) 

5. Sign your DLEHA (Divine Light Energy Healers Academy) Licensing Agreement. (At the end of your 90-day training period)

 Are there opportunities to work with Alysa one to one?

Yes! Just email alysa@alysarushton.com to inquire about working privately with Alysa. 

 Are there opportunities to work privately with the mentors? 

Yes! Absolutely! Just email alysa@alysarushton.com to inquire about working with the mentors. 

 Will I get access to all the materials the moment I purchase the program? How does this work?

Whether you choose the full pay or payment plan option, you will receive immediate access to the BONUS audios, affirmation cards the bonus workshop and a few other goodies Alysa has cooked up for you.  The first module will also already be in your training portal so you can get started becoming an even more clear channel. Your first live call will be on Wednesday, October 4th at 1:00pm PST.  Modules will be released weekly and the materials, trainings, that go along with those modules will be released on the Monday of the modules respective week.  For example the training for week two will be released on Monday October 9th so you have time to watch the training prior to your Q&A call. 

 I saw the bonus sales funnel - what all is included with that? 

In the BONUS done-for-you sales funnel you will get a fully loaded workshop sales page, thank you page and upsell page to a private program and a thank you page for that.  You'll also receive a mini email campaign to sell your workshop, get people there live and to upsell participants into working with you privately.  If you pay in full Alysa will personally spend two hours with you helping you to implement everything. 

 Can I edit and customize the workshop, and other materials?

Yes, absolutely! All of the graphics & client worksheets we provide you are in Canva or in a Google document so you can fully edit them, easily brand them and give them your unique sparkle with your own images and colors with just a few clicks of a button! You can also add additional content or remove content as you see fit. 

 Do you have a refund policy?

We have held nothing back in creating this offering for you and this program has the potential to change your life and your business! We know you'll be blown away with all of the materials you get and we’re giving you everything you need to become fully certified and use Divine Light Energy Healing to build your business. 

This program is designed to help you lay the foundation to be a well paid energy healer. That said things can come up as you are expanding and The Divine Light Energy Healers Academy mentors and community will hold, support, and guide you through the ups and the downs of that journey. No refunds will be given once training has begun. However we do understand that life happens so up to two weeks (14 days) before the start of training (our first welcome call), we will gladly refund your tuition (minus a non-refundable deposit of $444) or we will transfer your enrollment to the next training class. 

A Final Love Note From Alysa

This planet is about to undergo a HUGE shift where we will need more embodied healers and ascension guides than ever, to shift the masses and get them through their own healing journey.

Gone are the days where healers do the work for their clients...

This program is about YOU becoming even more embodied as a healthy, vital, abundant healer that empowers your clients to heal themselves and become their own guru.

If you are reading this right now, it might just be your time to rise up and help this planet and it's people truly heal! 

12 Payments of


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 TUNE IN: If you feel in the core of your soul, that NOW is your time to be a truly embodied healer and leader - I hope you'll join us for the Divine Light Energy Healers Academy! 

There is no coincidence that you are reading this right now....

You are ready to step up into your highest timeline as a healer and leader to  help others break out of their core blind spots, false identities, cycles of limitation, victimhood and fear. 


Use Coupon Code: DIVINE
To Get $3333 Off

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6 Payments of



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TUNE IN: If you feel in the core of your soul, that NOW is your time to be a truly embodied healer and leader - I hope you'll join us for the Divine Light Energy Healers Academy! 

There is no coincidence that you are reading this right now....

You are ready to step up into your highest timeline as a healer and leader to help others break out of their core blind spots, false identities, cycles of limitation, victimhood and fear.



If you have any questions or concerns about the program let's chat!